Thursday, August 23, 2007


i suffer from writers' block. its chronic.
surveying various blogs here and there, most of them reputable and interesting, leaves me feeling mentally stunted. notwithstanding my own opinions on various topics/issues/blah/blah/blah, i think i have an aversion to making them heard. unless what i say is going to produce some sort of benefit - then its better not to say it. (you may disregard all of this by the way). whoa...there's a contradiction! i mean, is what i think really going to have any sort of meaning unless i do something about it?

have you ever been anywhere where you might be in a position (through no fault of your own) to eavesdrop on a private debate - where two or more very opinionated buffoons argue in futility about issues which ain't gonna be solved because they're arguing about it?
"oh but davin - its healthy to talk about important issues - because it makes you think". Is that all? Is that all you are going to do? 'Think?' - Why won't you do something instead? You've just wasted thousands of calories basically talking about nothing - congratulations you've (in some small way!) managed to amplify the greenhouse effect with all your hoo haa. LOL. those poor poor canaries.


Anonymous said...

I think saying something IS doing something about it. You're vocalising, putting yourself out there and being heard.

Just speak as true as you can. And write too, for those too far away to hear.

Judith Grobelny said...

Just read this and the other blogs - keep right on saying stuff.
Saying something is good, but saying AND doing is better!!
Did you read painters diary recently?
Was interested in your commment about the church becoming powerless - maybe because the power is only there when it's needed and nothing is being done that needs the power?
I REALLY like the way you think! :)

whalefarm said...

thank you craig for your comments. always the diplomat. i like your style. i could definitely learn from you. i do have a tendency to flights of manic prose.

Anonymous said...

Nice post and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you on your information.

Anonymous said...

Opulently I agree but I think the collection should prepare more info then it has.