Tuesday, February 28, 2006


time is a precious commodity. we can't get it back after we've spent it. sigh. i just got a text from my friend mike. he's just spent the last 3 or so weeks rockin' around the snowy slopes of the big colorado/?denver. merely a tame introduction to his big adventure into the wide and crazy world, i should think. and currently nursing a headache and recovering from the giddy flashing lights, reflecting off glistening "gyrating boobies!", of mardi gras in wild new orleans. i reckon we should spend our time, and good amount of it, enjoying new experiences. God gave most of us 5 senses, some more some less, we should be flooding them with all kinds of stimuli. "what's gotten into you whalefarmer?" (i hear you ask?), "why are you writing about this?"...well...i've just finished up my first day as a psychiatric house officer, and i have to say it was the best 9 hours of the week. its a specialty that allows us to spend TIME with the patient without having to answer a million bleeps at once. it allows us to actually get to know our patients, empathise, sympathise, love, like, hate, whatever. we get to practice good medicine. i think we agree that we don't enjoy doing a whole bunch of things badly. we'd much rather do one thing really well. well...maybe that's not true for all of us. for me, i prefer the latter.

Saturday, February 18, 2006


welcome to the blogging world my friend's!
two among five or six of my most favourite people in the world have just arrived onto our shores, as i have only just arrived myself...i am wetting my pants with excitement. lets build some electronic sand castles!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


check out my man mike's blog

hopin' all ova da show-wuh!

snapple happle!

a few of you faithful followers have asked me "whalefarmer.? where did you accrue such splendid photos?" and i will promptly answer. "why, with my trusty Minolta SRT SLR of course!" a simple but most excellently awesome lightbox. the pictures it is capable of producing are fantastically magical. slammin' yo asses home beatches yayor!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


yeah i know. i think if there was one thing i could wish for, for wishing's sake right now it would be this. i wish fluid prose could flow easily from my brain through my nimble fingers. pretty sentences and words would mix and mingle with punctuation so acute and yet not to be too angular so to sound pretentious. i enjoy the freedom of just being able to write rubbish and yet be somewhat satisfied with it. there's almost a calming effect that comes with letting your mind wander. here's how i do it. i start with a thought, just a thought. a small one will do, and then let the words just spill out one by one. a little bit like the beginning of a rain shower. a little drop here and there, and then a little spittle, and from a spittle to a spatter, and from a spatter to a torrent, blah blah blah, i could go on forever. ranting to no one and everyone at the same time. cyber space odyssey. adventures in public viewing platforms, made up of foundations of space, weirdness. weirdness is good. finite weirdness i think.

check out the picture of the galmi gang. adventures in spaced outness wildness!