Tuesday, October 25, 2011


it seems i had nearly forgotten about this blog.
my last post indicated that i would say something after my clinicals. its just over a year since i sat those. i thought i'd be pleased to say yes, i passed. a year on in.
another year till i get my ticket. finally, consultant.
it seems that everytime one goal is achieved the yard stick moves again - it feels as though one does not actually 'arrive'. i cannot tell you of how many instances i have felt like a fraud - feeling (and knowing) that i don't actually know anything about human nature but being perceived to hold the answers to the questions of what it means to be human by my patients. are you kidding? its interesting though, that much of the work is akin to pastoral care.

anyways, i won't harp on for too much longer.
i will retire this blog from this post on (i think it's served its purpose, albeit a selfish one) but have actually been posting on www.thepsychreg.blogspot.com over the last year. as you can probably guess, i've separated my blog posts as a way to mark developmental progression. by way of introduction, thepsychreg is merely a place to contain my thoughts/feelings/ideas/life ponderings etc...over the course of my professional development as a child psychiatrist in the last couple of years of my training.