Friday, February 02, 2007

the fact that i had to be reminded that it was my birthday is probably commensurate with its insignificance. well perhaps that is a little hard - i suppose i feel a little indifferent or maybe its ambivalence?

what significance does "25" have? a quarter of a century young. what does it mean for me?

im not really sure to be honest. i still feel like a kid - as if i haven't quite grown up enough- indolent. maybe i never will and lets hope so.

its a little irksome that we should even be talking about 'n' life crises'...why 25? why not 26? or 16? etc etc. i guess its just an arbitrary figure, but i reckon its a kind of rest station to take stock and think about stuff e.g.: are we happy? and so on. its a little selfish - but that's okay, sometimes you gotta be in order to evaluate yourself and see where you fit in the grand schema. there are a few things i'd like to see happen in my lifetime before i go though. [i've had this inkling notion that mine will be short. about a decade left to go]. i'd like to see equal opportunity available to my bros/sists in Niger - and to achieve this would require a wholistic approach to mental/spiritual/physical well being - which would include improving the social milieu and all that good social justice stuff those hippies rave about :)

here's to another 25 + years. weeeeee!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.