Thursday, February 01, 2007

good news?

i read in the paper today -
a young pakistani girl was raped by 11 men and then forced to parade herself naked downtown - the men felt their actions were justified after her brother had eloped with a local villager (obviously their family did not approve!).

how do we let such atrocities happen? though i understand it in the context of our propensity for evil...i still don't get it. this should not discourage us, rather it should challenge us to do something.

amid all this tragic news.
there are uplifting stories.
i had the pleasure of helping a young 30 year old schizophrenic lady. disowned by her family, and cast out of their home - they had had enough. they had even uttered the heart shredding words "my daughter is dead. this is not my child". it all seemed hopeless for her. but not so. she's now living in a supported flat and pretty much fully functional again - normal. she's happy. i cannot stop smiling.

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