Wednesday, September 20, 2006

talking cures

good lord. has it been that long since my last post?
thanks baz for rekindling my enthusiasm for journaling.
your comments inspired me to browse through my previous entries...and i am glad.
it seems i have grown a little, just a little.
i read my little post after i had finished my first 3 months of full time work and i can remember those feelings that i had distinctly. weird. now i am finishing up my last 3 months of full time work as a house surgeon - man it feels good - and stepping up to a registrar position in december. its all happened pretty darn quick. i'm just glad this year is over...
right. i'm starting to fade now. i've just had a bottle of beer, and i think i'm ready for some sleep...


Vinnie said...

Good to have you back :)

Anonymous said...

hey dav, good to see you bloggin, ust thoght id let you know my flatty is movin to aus so let me kno if yor iterested in flatting?
cool hope all is well, how is sans arcade? when do u next play?

Jacinda said...

Registrar already?!?! that's fantastic!! I'm still a bum physio roaming the world...ah well....stay in touch!

Jacinda said...

Hey thanks for your message!

So...where are your blogs?

Will's coming over in December and we're going to Perth to visit Hes...Its gonna be a blast! you should come too...even tho i know you were there not so long ago...

Jacinda said...

So you wanna come to Mellars??

Come when Will's here...he'll be here on the 29th of Nov :)

or anytime before mid dec!!! I'm a bum so come hang out!