Wednesday, June 28, 2006

its not easy being a patient. all your symptoms are so subjective, and you tend to place more significance on some symptoms over others. a doctor will ask you a few "simple" questions which aren't really that simple e.g:where's the pain?

i've taken a sick day. i'm off work. i think i'm recovering from food poisoning. -stay away from KFC at all costs - It started with severe central abdominal cramps that must have been directly linked to the toxins causing my intestines to spasm violently. then the vomiting, - the lead up to a good vomit is always the worse part compared to the relief afterwards. still feeling a little bit whoozy though. maybe its just a sign of over exhaustion?


Anonymous said...

careful now, that's how hendix went. that and the drugs.

Anonymous said...

Oooh. I know what you mean man... one dodgy sausage at a BBQ in the weekend and them toxins almost made an art installation on the tube. Thankfully Shepards Bush made a timely stop to get off and get it out in a more civilized manner.

Hope you're feeling better Dav.

Mike said...

You poor soul Davin Tan, i hope you get some much needed R+R mate, and clock up afew real sick days and some 'post' sick days maybe, just a thought.